2 Corinthians: The supplementary Epistal

2 Corinthians is an oft-quoted epistle with some famous theological "sound bites" - we carry treasure in jars of clay; if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; my grace is sufficient for you, etc - but in this course we will aim to study the entirety of the epistle and discover Paul's pastoral heart for the Corinthians.


This four-week class is all about how to build, or rebuild, your marriage according to God’s desire for you. Be prepared for frank discussions on conflict, sex, priorities, and everything in-between. You’ll be given practical actions each week to take another step toward a stronger relationship.

Parenting your Faith

How do we pass on our faith to the next generation? How can we parent in a way that will encourage our children to seek Jesus instead of running away from him?  We'll look at the challenges of parenting at every stage - from newborns to adult children.