Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

God needs to do a surgery to give us a new heart this year: new love, new compassion, new direction. New forgiveness, new healing, new compromise, new life

December 29, 2019

To Live Thankful is to Live All-in

God invites us to bring thank offerings in the midst of our exile. He is going to restore us to our previous place in his favor!

November 24, 2019

Throw in the Towel

What are some things that you need to lay down in order to better serve your family? What are some things that you need to lay down to advance the mission of God’s kingdom?

November 17, 2019

Holy Spirit

What is your response when you feel a tug or nudge internally?

November 10, 2019

Biblical Truth or Personal Preference

When someone ticks-off the whole nation of believers, let's see what Scripture has to say about it.

November 3, 2019

Rising in the Ranks

What is keeping you form rising to the top? Sometimes you have to take stock!

September 8, 2019


When you face your battles are you turning to God or are you trying to do it your own way?

September 1, 2019

Trust the Process of the Promise

There are places you want to be or things you want to accomplish. Promises you know are from God but they haven’t happened yet and your heart just wants God to hurry up. But God is a God who keeps his promises. The problem comes we when believe his promise, but we won’t wait for his process.

August 18, 2019

Our DNA, God’s Victory, Our Lives

What does your DNA reveal about whose you are? Are you living in that victory?

August 11, 2019

Drift Away

Do you feel like you are drifting, bobbing out on the waters of spirituality? Now what?

August 4, 2019

As Iron Sharpens Iron

We all need a Timothy to pour into and a Paul to pour into us. But do you have a Barnabas to encourage and challenge you?

July 28, 2019

Draw Close, Touch Jesus, and Hold On

Some people come to Jesus, out of duty or to relieve guilt. But some come in sincerity of heart. They want Jesus. They change their lives to conform to Jesus.

July 21, 2019


Relationships are tough because the currency is relationship is trust. But you need people, and people need YOU.

July 14, 2019